June 9, 1999

The regular meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at the Rural History Building in King Ferry. Officers present: Supervisor Pecher; Councilpersons Fessenden, Patchen, Smith and Myers; Clerk Burgman; Highway Superintendent Powers and Water Man Reeves. Guests included: Ron Potter, Rich Harrison Mike and Bill Heary, Karen Shields, Don Slocum, Gary Wood (Engineer), "Doc" Mitchell, Dale Parker, Doug Staley, Attorney James Baker. The meeting came to order at 7:45 p.m. with the Pledge to the flag.

The minutes of the May 12 meeting were approved on a motion from Patchen, second by Fessenden; 5 Aye votes. The minutes of May 26, l99 were approved on a motion from Smith; second by Fessenden; 5 Aye votes.

A review of a proposed 9-lot mobile home park was done. The property is off Route 34, south of Route 90. The field now has a propane sotage tank on it, but this has been sold. The Heary's are adhering to distances in this regard, as mandated by the State. Local Law # 2 has been strictly followed, as to green space, sizing of lots, sewage, water and so on. Everyone has seen the plot plans and the environmental study was handed out at the meeting. Several wells will be drilled and feed into the central distribution area, thence to the homes. Discussion on this planned installation. We want to be sure the road serving the park has turnaround space and if it meets the requirements of the highway and fire departments. The park will be completed in its entirety before any homes will be placed, the board made that clear up front. The permit will be issued and the board will reserve the right to pre-inspect the park prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Rich Harrison asked if there wer neighbor problems with this... Dick Sellen had voiced concern and Rich thought showing him the plans would probably help. Hans asked the Heary's their future plans and Bill responded that if things went well, perhaps some expansion might occur. Dale Parker asked if county water ended up in Genoa, would they be allowed to use it? Yes, if it proves out and the quantity is there. John Myers and Carl Staley have worked together on this park from the start and are satisfied with what's been done and recommend that construction be allowed under Local Law #2. Motion to issue the permit was made by Myers; second by Smith. 4 Aye votes, Fessenden abstaining.

Don Potter reports that the water acquisition meeting was held in Ledyard on 6/l7. A number of farmers attended and another meeting is scheduled in King Ferry in 2 weeks' time. The group that Don heads up will be meeting shortly to look at this summer's situation and will be making recommendations. In May, 3000000 gallons were used and of that, farms account for about l02,000 per day. Status is steady at the moment although on one given day 6/8 - we used l45,000.The Board agrees that a moratorium is in place against approval of ANY new installations while the drout situation exists. Possible solutions if we run low 1) shut off contract users 2) fill our reservoir from an outside source (i.e. Lansing. Don pointed out if the water authority does kick in, each municipality will be expected to commit to XX number of gallons per day. Don asked if the Board wished to pursue this as far as we can? Yes. The hydrogeologists will be here on 6/16 to meet with Hans, Dave Reeves and Don. In the meantime, the Clerk is advertise in the Shopper about the necessity of conservation from all users.

Dave Powers Highway Report: Working mainly on the reek Road project, changing all cross culverts, ditching and they cut the road down approximately 6 ft. in one section to improve the sight distance and the approach to the bridge. Also, they cut the bank down to match this contour. Many, many loads of material were removed. The fabric is down and some gravel has been placed on the section that was lowered. Al Elser has been out patching in many areas. The men helped Venice oil and chip on Ford Rd. part of one day, and they in turn,helped us haul gravel to Creek Rd. Digging has been started for footings on the salt storage building. Murphy Bros. has some of the rebar in place and the rest of the green bar materials was downloaded today. Roadside mowing commenced today also. Dave attended the 54th Annual Highway Superintendents School in Ithaca - his 26th.

Doug Staley of Life Safety Consultants, went over the new, revised contract and fee schedule. We are expecting a minimum of 5 hours' presense in the Town from them, er week. This contract will run from June l, 1999 to May 30, 2000. Motion to authorize the Supervisor to sign the contract was made by Myers, second by Smith; 5 Aye votes. Motion to adjust the fee schedule was made by Myers; second by Patchen; 5 Aye votes. Changes shall take place the l7th of June.

Doug outlined some of the problems they have in our town relative to fire inspections; recommendations not be carried out, etc. He suggest this year we issue citations of the problems and give owners 45 days to correct and then a re-inspection will be done. Also, following up in the justice court on earlier issued citatis is important. Clerk is to write to Justice Conner as to the status of the McKane issue.

James Baker was there to help us consider a local law relative to regulation of adult entertainment businesses that might seek entry into the community. We can't keep them out but we can regulate land use in their regard. Myers, asked "is this zoning" and no, it flexible area land use restrictions to protect certain establishments; i.e. so many feet from churches, schools and so on. Discussion. Baker outlined the procedure for enacting such a law: 1) Pass a moratorium by local law (a time-out measure) with an 8-month time line. A public hearing would be held during the next regularly scheduled board meeting. A draft of this will be in board members´ hands next week for review. Clerk to publish notice of this public hearing on the moratorium for July l4, 1999 at 8:00 on a motion by Patchen; second by Myers; 5 aye votes.

The salt storage building is currently underway. The concrete wall height will be lowered by 6", Change Order # l. Motion for this by Patchen; second by Smith; 5 Aye votes.

The Clerk's May report was given. Motion for acceptance by Patchen; second by Fessenden; 5 Aye votes. The Supervisor's Report for April was reviewed and audited and a motion for approval was made by Patchen; second by Smith; 5 aye votes.

Fessenden reported on Programs and Communications. She told the progress of the float that will be a part of the County Bicentennial parade. She presented the roster of swim program personnel with their proposed salaries. This was approved as presented on a motion by Fessenden; second by Myers; 5 Aye votes. Also, she passed out copies of her letter to Mrs. Guisti relative to the re-opening of discussions on possible purchase of the "Poso" land. The grant she has sought for the records program has not been confirmed as yet but she needs to finish input of date by June 25th.

The bills were presented for audit and consideration as to any necessary budgetary changes. These included: G-73 to G-86 for $3300.78; H-72 to H-80 for $6344.00 and WO-34 to WO-39 for $l620.58. Patchen made the motion the bills be paid any necessary adjustments made; second by Fessenden; 5 Aye votes.

The board discussed the Rte 90 bridge replacement in the hamlet of Genoa - this being scheduled for 2001. The clerk is to write a letter to the DOT and ask for a position report and update on the scheduled reconstruction.

Hans nominated Lawrence E. Reynolds of King Ferry as the local person with oversight for 911 numbering within the town, corrdinating this process for the Board. Ken Patchen made the motion that Mr. Renolds be appointed; second by Smith; 5 Aye votes.

A proposal to enact Local Law #2 of 1999 was considered. This would allow the Senior Citizen's tax exemption to be given in a year when the age of 65 is reached after the March 1 deadline. This will require a public hearing - tentatively scheduled for the July meeting. Also, Local Law #3 for 1999 is to be considered and a public hearing held - also in July - amending the Land use laws and mobile home park law. The clerk will advertise in a timely fashion.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at l0:20 on a motion from Smith, seconded by Myers; 5 Aye votes.

Minutes by Clerk Burgman.